Pie View

Using the Pie View

The Pie View shows a proportional breakdown of your data, either categories, or numeric. The default on opening for the first time is to show the breakdown by number of records. You can select the field to display and the field to use to split the pie into segments by using the view controls. If your data set has both positive and negative values, you can specify which to plot. You cannot plot both positive and negative values on the same pie, but you can use two Pie Views side-by-side for this purpose. If you must show both positive and negative values in relation to each other, use the Bar View.

You can select subsets of the data set on the pies, then execute Moves and Keeps. You can also pane the Pie View vertically, horizontally, or both to obtain multi-pie views, as shown at right in the example below.



Pie View Controls

Field selector- shows all the fields whose values can be divided into segments. The default is to display the number of records divided by the field chosen in the adjacent Split-by drop down. You can choose a text field (column) to display, but if you do, the breakdown will be by number of characters in the text string values.

Split by- click on the ‘Split by’ drop down to choose a field to use to create segments within the pie(s).

Pane by- paning means displaying more than one pie chart within the display, horizontally, vertically, or both as shown in the example above right. Pane by field (column) selectors in the upper left and lower right of the Pie View display enable you to select criteria for generating multiple pies within the same Pie View. This is not the same as using two different Pie View windows.

When paning, you can use the 100% panes option in the View tools menu (see below) so that each of the multiple pies shows a breakdown totalling 100%. Use paning sparingly...if there is not enough space around each pie, Omniscope will not be able to display the labels, as shown in the example above.

Pie View Tools

The View tools drop-down menu offers a number of options

Show statistics- when ticked, displays a translucent statistics panel, the content of which can be configured using a side menu accessed from the top of the panel. (see below)
Overlay pane-by values- only shows when paning is active. When ticked, displays a label on top of each pie in the paning arrangement
Change number of bands- only shows when a splitting by a continuous value. Slider increases the number of intervals/segments in the pie.
Show percentages (as decimals)- when ticked, replaces the values in the segments with percentages of the total. In paning arrangements, these percentages will not sum to 100% unless the 100% panes option is also ticked (see below).
100% panes- only shows when paning is active. When ticked, calculates percentages for each individual pie to sum to 100%. Has no effect if Show percentages (as decimals) is not also ticked.


Add background image- provides the option to provide a faded image as a backdrop. See Page Menu for details.

The rest of the commands on the View tools menu are common to all views and are documented in the section on View Tools

Pie View statistics panel

The statistics panel display can be configured using the drop-down menu accessed from the upper right corner of the panel.


If the field (column) displayed is numeric, there will be more types of statistics available. If the field is a category field, summations, means, etc. will not be available.

Pie View right-click menu

Right-clicking anywhere on the Pie View window displays a menu of options to modify or export the display:

Selection options:
Clear selection- clears the current selection in the Pie View

Ordering options:
By size (frequency)- when ticked, orders the segments of each pie in descending order of record count
By value- when ticked, orders the segments of each pie in descending order of selected value.

Display options:
Animate-starts the pie spinning slowly, such that the labels display more legibly. In paning arrangements, right click on each pane to start spinning for each pie.
Rotate- turns each pie up to 360 degrees to re-orient it, usually to display labels or important segments more legibly. Does not spin the pie as does Animate

Copy and Print options:

Save as image or Copy image to clipboard- saves or pastes an image of the Pie View display (.JPG, .GIF, .PNG or .BMP depending on Java version) into another document.

Print- launches the Print wizard common to all views and documented in View Tools