Open map

File > Open Map

Adding downloadable vector maps to your files

Visokio supply zooming vector maps you can include in your files. Vector maps work offline, and zoom to show detail, although not down to city street level. If you send the file to someone who does not have the vector map already installed, it will be downloaded when they open the file, even if they are using a free Viewer or Omniscope Online, the 'zero-footprint' Java Web Start deployment of the Viewer.


World maps: these maps cover the whole world

World (bundled) - every Omniscope contains a vector world map, but additional world maps can be added to any installation or file via download.

Country maps: we offer a complete library of geo-coded country maps. Maps already installed will be listed, with more available for download.

City Maps: we are in the process of adding geo-coded city maps to our library. Contact us for the city you need. Alternatively, you can use static image screenshots from street-level mapping services like Google Maps (see below).

Download maps - takes you to the Maps Library

Browse for image or map file - any image can be used as a mapping background, and coordinates consistent with your data can be added to the image. The imported image file becomes embedded in the Omniscope file/DataPlayer and travels with the file.


For more information on adding coordinate systems to imported images and screenshots, i.e. street level screenshots from Google Maps, etc. please see the KnowledgeBase sections on Using Maps and Projection Transformation

Importing maps for use in DataPlayers

{in progress}