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Placing Markers

Placing Map Markers

Adding & Editing Map Coordinates Manually

You can use embedded vector maps or online Google Maps from within Omniscope to add map coordinates to your data by selecting records (rows) and manually placing markers on an open Map View.

1. Open File and Add Views

To place markers and automatically generate coordinates in your data for existing records (rows), open your data set and close all open views except:

  1. A Table View, for selecting records (a Chart View can also be used if necessary)
  2. A Map View, using either vector or Google Maps displays zoomed in for positioning markers.

These views must be open simultaneously, and you might want to drag or switch (rotate) the view divider to allocate more space to the Map View. When you add the Map View, if this is the first time you're adding markers to the map, you will see the Configure Map dialog asking you to configure the map:




Make sure Add new X/Y field pair is selected, and click OK. You will be able to name the new. blank coordinate fields in the dialog.
Suggestion: name the X-axis with something related to longitude and the Y-axis with something related to latittude.

2. Filter the data

Next, filter your data until only the records you want to place to generate coordinates remain visible. For example, if you have already placed some markers, you will want to filter out the records that already have coordinates. This will make focusing on the remaining records with blank coordinates easier. In the Omniscope Table view, scroll across to the coordinate fields, and click on any grey (blank) cell. This will select all the records without coordinates. Click Keep on the Main Toolbar to isolate only those records in the Table View.

3. Placing a single record

In the Map View, first make sure Place marker mode is selected in the mouse Mode drop-down.

  1. Select the record you want to place in the Table View.
  2. In the Map View, use the Navigator mini-window to find the correct location, zooming in as needed for accuracy.
  3. Click on the map to place a marker for the selected record.

Notice that the X and Y coordinate fields visible in the Table View are populated automatically with latitude and longitude coordinates when you do this.

4. Placing multiple records

Sometimes you might want to place a range of records at a single point on the map. For example, you might have a database of customers, and you might only know they are based in London. In the Table or Chart Views, select the records you want to place in the same location. In our example, there might be a field called 'Location'. In the Chart View, we would open the Location device and select the value 'London'. In the Map View again, still in Place marker mode, point at London and click to place all selected markers in London.

5. Moving existing markers

After zooming in and exploring your map and markers, you might want to adjust the position of some of them. In Place marker mode, dragging a marker will update its position. If the marker represents several records, only the top-most record in the "pile" will be repositioned.

6. Adding new records

When in Place marker mode, if you click on the map without record(s) selected/highlighted, you will be asked if you want to Add a record at that location. This will create a new record (row) in the data set, with all fields empty except the coordinates.