Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Omniscope supports keyboard shortcuts to help you perform common tasks quickly. Because Omniscope is a Java rather than a Windows-only application, some shortcuts will differ from those used by Windows and/or Microsoft Office applications. For example, in Omniscope, Ctrl+F launches the Manage Fields wizard rather than Windows Find. Most Omniscope shortcuts are indicated on the command menus, but some, such as those used for Table View data entry and cell text editing do not have corresponding menus.
(Note: Apple Macs use the the Command key rather than Ctrl key + another key.)

Omniscope cell editing shortcuts:

Omniscope displays cells for editing in the Table View. To access the full body of text in a cell, double-click on the cell, or right-click and choose Edit this cell. The cell will expand to allow you to read many lines, but you cannot scroll down within a cell. The following keyboard shortcuts  can be used to speed navigation and editing of cells containing many lines of text. These shortcuts are also very useful useful for copying values into cells down many rows or across many columns.

Alt+Return adds a return inside the text within a cell 
Ctrl+End moves the cursor to the end/bottom of the text in the cell. 
Ctrl+Home  moves the cursor to the top of the text in the cell
Page Down moves the cursor a full page down the text
Page Up moves the cursor a full page up the text
Ctrl+A selects all the text in the cell,
Delete  deletes all selected text
Backspace deletes selected cells or text
Ctrl+C copies the selected cells to the clipboard
Ctrl+V pastes the values in the clipboard to the selected cells (see warning on pasting in data below)
Ctrl+X removes the current values from the selected cells and stores them in the clipboard
Ctrl+Z undoes the previous edit
Ctrl+Y re-does the previous undone edit
Ctrl+; inserts the current date into the cell

Column headers are used to set sorting behaviour and cannot be used to select an entire column. To select most or all of a long column, hold the Shift key down and drag the right side scroll bar to the bottom of the target range. Then click on the last cell in the range and all intermediate cells will be selected and become targets for edits like copy and delete.

You can move data into or out of Omniscope using copy and paste (assuming the file owner has not locked the file).

WARNING: Be careful when pasting large, rectangular tables of values into the Omniscope via theTable View. If you specify a target paste range with more rows and columns than are contained in the data set you are copying, Omniscope will duplicate the records to fill the target space entirely. If you are not sure how many rows and columns you are importing via copy and paste, create a large number of new rows and columns and select only the single upper left-hand cell as the target paste range. This usually pastes the correct range. However, depending on the format/source of the incoming pasted data (web page tables, for example) all of the incoming values are sometimes pasted into the single upper left cell only. If this happens, then you must specify a rectangular target area exactly the correct size to receive the incoming pasted data. If you accidentally make the paste range too large, be sure to check for, and delete, any duplicated records.

Omniscope Menu command shortcuts:  

F1 launches the Omniscope User Guide
F3 displays the About Visokio Omniscope screen with your license key and other important information about your installation
opens the file-specific Help file configured by the file owner

Recent files: On opening, typing a number opens the file corresponding to that number in the recent file list

Ctrl+N opens new file
Ctrl+O opens existing file
Ctrl+S saves current file
saves as new file
closes the current file
Ctrl+E exports current (unaggregated) data set
Alt+F1 displays About screen summarising information about the file
Ctrl+F5 refreshes from the linked data source, if any
refreshes Bloomberg-sourced fields with current Bloomberg values (Professional and Enterprise only)
F5 reloads data from source file
recalculates all formulae
Ctrl+Alt+R recalculates a pre-defined subset of formulae (tab-specific)

Ctrl+F launches the Data > Manage Fields dialog
Ctrl+= adds record(s)
Ctrl+Shift+= adds field(s)
Ctrl+Delete deletes records(s)
Ctrl+D deselects all selected record(s)
Ctrl+Shift+D creates a new file for data management using File > New DataManager (2.6)
Ctrl+M  executes a Move of selected record(s)
Ctrl+K executes a  Keep of selected record(s)
Ctrl+R executes a Reset
Alt+Left Arrow  History back
Alt+Right Arrow History forward
Ctrl+Q shows/hides the Side Bar
Ctrl+Tab inserts a tab in a multi-line editor (pressing tab alone will jump to the next element on the screen)

Ctrl+L launches the Styles dialog
Ctrl+Shift+B creates new blank Tab
Ctrl+Shift+N creates new Tab from current display
Ctrl+Shift+T creates new text slide Tab
Ctrl+Shift+I creates new image or PowerPoint slide Tab

Note: You can use the tab key to move from renaming a Tab, to the title editor, to the annotation editor

Alt+F1 displays Java tooltips 
Ctrl+Home opens first Tab
Right arrow:  opens next Tab
Left arrow: opens previous Tab

Escape cancels: open dialogs, mouse drag operations, current edits in text fields such as table cells, Tab titles and annotations

Enter commits edits in text fields, proceeds through wizard pages, closes or OKs dialogs
Ctrl+Enter commits multi-line text fields, such as Tab annotations
Alt+Enter inserts a line break

Ctrl+P prints the screen
Ctrl+Shift+P exports the current screen as an image


F9 resize to XGA (screen size 1024x768 pixels)
F11 toggle full screen mode. (Note: this function is experimental)

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M  launches memory diagnosis tool useful for optimising very large files for scaling and performance