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Custom InstallationsCustomising Omniscope installationsDeploying changes/updates to other installationsAlthough Omniscope is a locally-installed application, many aspects of the installation can be customised to suit specific requirements of defined groups of users. These changes affect each local installation, are persistentant across all IOK files opened in the same installation (until further changed or modified) and are easy to share accross installations by exporting and importing the resources using Omniscope ILF files. Customising FontsThe fonts used by Omniscope are fully configurable on an installation by installation and file-by-file basis. Organisations wishing to customised fonts availbale to meet/match corporate standards can easily do so by following instructions for customising fonts. Not all fonts will support all languages. In particular, the default Omniscope Tahoma font does not support Japanese or Chinese, so the installation and/or file fonts need to be changed to fonts for non-Western data. Custom Application StylesOmniscope installations include a list of editable, shareable application styles that underlie every file using that style. Each installation choices are available under: Style > Application styles > {choose style from menu} You can make changes to any of these pre-configured application styles by clicking on [Edit] and you can re-name and save the new style settings by clicking on [Save]. Once you have created one or more custom styles, you may wish to share these with others using the Export option: Style > Application styles {select custom-edited application style} [Export] The Export option will encapsulate the settings for your custom style in an Omniscope Deployable Resource file (with file extension .ILF) which you can save and share. This .ILF file can be saved in a shared location and/or attached and e-mailed to members of your workgroup with whom you wish to share/update each new custom style. All the recipients need to do is double click on the .ILF attachment and the new custom style will automatically be added to the drop-down list of available application styles in their Omniscope installation. Custom Branding PackagesBy default, Omniscope installations, including free Viewers, are installed without a folder in the installation directory named "branding". In the absence of such a folder with specific contents, the default Visokio screens and branding are displayed each time Omniscope install or opens. The branding folder installed on a specific reference installation can be customised to contain various custom images, text settings and Welcome\Library.IOK files in a specified sub-folder called 'File library', as described here. If the branding folder is copied to another installation, the incoming contents will take precedence over the default Omniscope settings on that installation as well. Settings > {Application-wide} Advanced > Tools > Create distributable branding pack Licensing permitting, for version 2.8+, the custom branding folder from the reference machine can be shared with other installations as either an .ILF file automatically installed by Omniscope, or Bundling Partners may also include the custom branding .ILF file in a bundled installer, as described here. Updating BookmarksBookmarks are used to make data sources such as specific database tables available to activated users across all their files via drag-and-drop from their DataManager Data Bars. Fully-configured (with hidden authentication) bookmarks from a reference installation can be shared and updated across multiple installations by exporting them as .ILF files which can be mailed to recipients who need new bookmarks installed or previous ones updated. Settings > {Application-wide} Advanced > Tools > Create distributable bookmarks Installing Offline MapsOmniscope will automatically download and install any offline vector maps required for a given IOK file that are available from the Omniscope online library. You can find these maps and use them in shareable IOK files from here: Map View Toolbar > Map: > Other vector maps You can also download and share these maps using the Omniscope .ILF format, and may soon also be able to include them (and boundary layer files) in bundled installers (contact us). ====================================================