Do you mean a formula function, rather than a feature? If you mean the former, this might be achievable using SUBSET functions. If the latter, does moving average in the Graph view Line options help?
I am having difficulty creating a rolling/dynamic/moving average/total using SUBSET functions.
I have attached a file with daily data and would like to create an annual moving total. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could show me the best way to do it.
Steve - here is a complete syntax including Rank function for uses in cases where the records are not in order, and illustrating the rest of SUBSET clause that defines the range of the subset of records across which the median is to be determined:
Broadly, an Omniscope SUBSET function has the following syntax:
SUBSET_operation([TargetField]), followed by a Subset clause of the form:
SUBSETN([FieldtoConsider1],[FieldtoConsider2],...[FieldtoConsiderN], 'DefinedValue1', {DefinedValue2}, ...'DefinedValueN',or [FieldtoConsiderN], for all values Operator1, Operator2, ...OperatorN) specifying the comparison to be made for each defined Value in each defined [FieldtoConsider].
{DefinedValue2} would be a Variable, and [FieldtoConsiderN] name is repeated in the case that the defined subset contains all values in the field, and where expressions like ([FieldtoConsiderN]+/- X) are used for calculated results, like going up and down ordered rows by defined increments of time.
Operators must be = for Text/Categories defined values, but can be =, !=, GTE, LTE for Numeric values and Date/Times.
The sample RANKING function file on this page also shows examples of using RANK with SUBSET 'clauses':