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Formulae: Moving averages for daily data? - Visokio Forums
Formulae: Moving averages for daily data?
  • nash July 23, 2014 3:33AM
    My data have KPIs on a daily basis for every day of the week.

    I would like to calculate the average of the KPIs for 3, 7, 10, 14 days from the starting date in the data.

  •     paola July 23, 2014 6:29AM
    I assume you wish to create a rolling moving average formula, so for each day calculated value would be mean of values for that day + 2 previous days (for moving average 3).
    You need to create an indexing field, and this can be either
    RANK(Date,Date,true,false) for ascending order
    (if you have previously used Sort block to create chronological order)

    Aim is to create unique value for each row, as I'm assuming you have only one value per day. Now you can create new formula field (moving average for 3 day periods):

    IF([Rank Date]<3, null,
    ([Campaign Name],[Rank Date],[Rank Date],
    [Campaign Name],[Rank Date]-3,[Rank Date],
    "=", ">","<="))
  • nash August 5, 2014 10:18AM
    Thanks paola, it works. However for the next step, I need to calculate only third value, so they are independent. Can you help me on that?
  • nash August 5, 2014 11:06AM
    This a data example. I want to generate the forth column in the excel sheet.
    MA_Example.xlsx 9K
  •     paola August 5, 2014 11:16AM
  • nash August 6, 2014 2:59AM
    This is easy. I wasnt aware of this formula. Thanks a lot!!!
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