Hi, Last year we had a request to add some functionality to the batch config file so that when publishing to excel, we could use the Replace Data/Replace Worksheet/Overwrite data etc functionality that the individual data manager output blocks have . This was implemented and works very well.
One other functionality that the data manager file output block has that doesn't appear to be available in the batch config files is to be able to specify a row or column to start inserting the data at. Would it be possible to add this functionality to the batch config file as well? Thanks
Hi all, I would like to bump this thread. Is it at all possible to replicate the 'Specify Starting Row/Column' functionality contained in the Excel Output block to the Batch Configuration block? Thanks.
If you generate a new batch configuration file you should see these fields. For any existing batch configuration files, simply add two new fields with the names above.
Apologies that we haven't reported this on the forum.