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Free Viewer: Export data from free Viewer? - Visokio Forums
Free Viewer: Export data from free Viewer?
  • kikorw October 16, 2012 1:31PM
    I understand no data export is possible from an Omniscope free Viewer only license, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm interested in sharing Omniscope data visualization files with some team members. I already set up a nice dashboard file for them. Now they emphasize that it will NOT be useful as long as they CAN'T download/export the data they're looking at. Is there an alternate method that could make this a useful tool for them?

    Summary: I share an .IOK file with end users with a free Viewer only license, how could they export data from the .IOK?
  •     tjbate October 16, 2012 1:42PM
    Francisco - Yes, this is a standard feature of an Omiscope Server license. Omniscope IOK files saved as 'owned' by Server licenses enable additional options/actions when opened in the free Viewer. One of these additional free Viewer enabled options is the ability to export the data from the IOK file as .csv or xls(x).
  •     alec_webliquid October 23, 2012 7:54AM
    FYI Francisco, you can still copy and paste from Table and Pivot views to Excel or wherever, if that helps
  •     tjbate October 23, 2012 9:07AM
    Alec - Yes, that is correct, but only if the Publisher/owner has chosen NOT to lock the file, which is an anti-copy file security protection option for data publishers.


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