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Creating a calculated field "% of column" - Visokio Forums
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Creating a calculated field "% of column"
  •     JamesDutton March 5, 2012 3:12AM

    Is there an easy way to create a new field that shows me the % of column for an existing variable. What I'm trying to do seems simple enough - take a variable value and divide by the total for that variable and show as a %age.


    Col-1, Col-2, Col-3
    Name, Value, "% of Value"
    A, 40, 20%
    B, 100, 50%
    C, 20, 10%
    D, 40, 20%

    Can't figure out how to do this.. must be missing something!

    Thanks, James.
  •     chris March 5, 2012 4:22AM

    This is pretty easy to do. You simply need to create the following formula:

    [Col2]/ SUBSET_SUM([Col2])

    After creating the formula ensure "Show as percentage" is selected.

    I've attached an example file.
  •     Phillipa March 7, 2012 3:57AM

    I am trying to write a formula with a countif function but can't seem to find it under the functions list. Is it possible in Visokio?

    THanks for any help.
  •     chris March 7, 2012 4:21AM
    Phillipa's question has been posted to a separate thread:


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