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Printing: Font size when exporting to PowerPoint? - Visokio Forums
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Printing: Font size when exporting to PowerPoint?
  • William March 5, 2013 2:43AM
    Hi - My client just recently started using Omniscope and they want to export the views to Powerpoint for presentation purposes. The issue is that the font size is really small. Is there a way to increase the font size when exporting to PowerPoint?

  •     tjbate March 6, 2013 1:51PM
    William - We are working to improve the default Print settings so that this is easier to manage printing to fixed paper sizes from a variety of display screens. At the moment, you or your client may need to zoom up the IOK file font size slightly in the on-screen display when you/they print to PowerPoint to achieve good legibility. This is especially true if they are viewing Omniscope on a large, high resolution screen when they try to print.

    From Desktop or free Viewer:
    Settings > Zoom
  • William March 15, 2013 3:24AM

    Thank you for your response, much appreciated.

    When can we expect it to be released?

  •     chris May 3, 2013 1:00PM

    We have now improved the print options to allow you to choose A4 portrait or A4 landscape screenshot size. We also show a warning when the screenshot size selected will result in text below the legible size when printed on A4/letter paper.

    These features are available in the latest version of Omniscope 2.8 (b893).
  • William May 6, 2013 10:43AM
    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the update.

    When will Omniscope 2.8 (b893) be available because when I click check for updates it says that the available version is 2.7 (b480)?

  •     chris May 9, 2013 8:12AM
    Hi William,

    2.8 is available to Alpha partners only at the moment, however it will be released very shortly. To become an alpha partner please contact us at



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