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Two graphs in an unique view - Visokio Forums
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Two graphs in an unique view
  • marc_marc August 31, 2010 9:42AM
    Hi all. It is possible to have two graphs in the same view? In other words, can I have to Y axes? The idea is to create two line graphs for comparison purposes (for example, visits to a website of the current month compared to that of the past month).
    Thanks in advance,
  •     tjbate October 13, 2010 6:54PM
    Mark- this type of thing will be addressed in version 2.7. Version 2.6 DataPlayer2 (turn on experimental features to use) already has both Line Views and mixed Line & Bar views. Meanwhile, you can compare months by having a field called day (1,2,3...) as the x axis and plotting the two months on the same graph.
  • marc_marc October 14, 2010 9:46AM
    Thanks for your answer. How do I activate the experimental features?
  •     steve October 14, 2010 10:32AM
    Settings menu > Advanced > Show experimental features
  • marc_marc October 14, 2010 10:44AM
    Perfect! Thanks you very much, and please forgive my "amateur" comments!

  • jforero     jforero January 18, 2011 6:18PM
    I was wondering if this experimental feature it would be available as part of a regular view in the DataExplorer? (not as flash element)
  •     steve January 19, 2011 9:27AM
    Yes, it is planned in a future version, though not 2.6.


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