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Data subsets: Turning of selection brushing in mobile - Visokio Forums
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Data subsets: Turning of selection brushing in mobile
  • VoteVote Up0Vote Down     Matt_OR_PI June 20, 2016 11:08AM
    I have two content views in a tab to display (a) total value of filtered data and (b) value of selected data. I would like the first view to be unaffected by selecting data, but displaying all data is not an option - it must display filtered data.

    I tried turning off selection brushing, however this does not appear to work when viewing the mobile version of the file. I also tried de-querying by the splits used in the other views in the tab, but this also did not seem to work in mobile.

    Is there currently a way to ensure that a view is affected by filtering but not by selection that works for mobile reports?
  •     paola June 20, 2016 1:02PM
    Omniscope allows you to display multiple data subset variations along the lines
    All data >Filtered data >Query data>Selection data

    It also has (in the Desktop mode) concept of intersection with the query data.

    What you're trying to achieve here is slightly conflicting, as the first Content view should only respond to filtering, but not selection, and the second one should respond to both.

    The only way to do 'freeze the filtered data' is to create a query, and point the first Content view to that query, and the second view to Selected data. You can also create several queries that users can pick from in the browser mode.

    You could also try to place the 2 views on 2 tabs.
  •     Matt_OR_PI June 20, 2016 1:22PM

    Hi Paola, thanks for your quick response.

    That is exactly what I am trying to achieve: one content view responds only to filtering, while the other responds to users selections (currently I am using 'Selected data' for the second view, as you suggest).

    In the desktop version, I can set the first view up to display what I want in two ways: turning off selection brushing, or de-querying by the fields used as splits in the other views. Is it not possible to use either of these methods in mobile reports?
  •     paola July 7, 2016 1:28PM
    We will add this functionality in mobile and post a note here when it's done.
    Having said that, it would be difficult to give you precise timing at this point.


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