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Dave - others have pointed out that the Dial View ranges are not currently data-driven, i.e the minimum and maximums are inputs in the Range > Edit dial range dialog, and that subsequent refreshes can introduce values above or below the the previously-set minimum and maximum.
Shall we summarise this idea as "dynamic Dial Range minimum and maximum" ? This refinement may have to take Subsets into account, since each Dial View could be pointing at a Named Query subset, Filtered IN data, ALL Data etc.
Yep thats great! We are indeed using a named Query on ours.
Yep thats the exact point I am getting at. So for example, if mine was montoring the a rate that has allways sat between 2 and 8. If somthing go's badly wroung and that rate falls to 1. Curently it will fall of my Dial. But if it was a "dynamic Dial Range minimum and maximum" 1 would automaticaly become the new minimum vaule.
In the Range dialog, if you choose Automatic Range, doesn't this do what you want? Or are you using the Aggregation button on the view toolbar (in which case automatic range cannot work)?