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"Output Block - daily updates - Visokio Forums
"Output Block - daily updates
  •     KRIN September 16, 2010 9:55PM
    Does "Output Block" have the capability to generate a file and and add a new daily data to it? I need to generate a file which preserves the output from previous report,s but is also appended with new data every time the report is run on a daily schedule.
  • 1 Comment
  •     steve September 17, 2010 9:34AM
    KRIN, this doesn't fit with the DataManager architecture if you're using automatic publishing (Enterprise edition) because every time you make a change upstream, the write-out will be triggered, appending new data. So there's no option for this.

    But it's a common scenario. Where is your data coming from? How do you feed in only the last day's data, rather than the full to-date data dump from the database?


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