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Translations: Date function arguments and languages? - Visokio Forums
Translations: Date function arguments and languages?
  •     Mees August 2, 2010 3:23PM
    Hi there...When using a date function such as DATEDIFF, the 3rd argument (unit) is free text. When changing the language in Omniscope, this argument causes an error as the text is not recognised in the new language.

    Would it be possible that the values change accordingly to the language?

  •     steve August 3, 2010 6:44AM
    All formula functions (names, parameters etc.) should be language independent, based on English, for file portability.

    This would appear to be a bug. It appears that DATEDIFF's 3rd argument (values such as "minutes" or "hours", identifying the unit required for the date difference) uses translation according to your language setting. We'll look into fixing this in Omniscope 2.6.
  •     steve August 3, 2010 10:04AM
    This has now been fixed. Please install tonight's build of Omniscope 2.6 (b332 or later).
  •     Mees August 5, 2010 9:33AM
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