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category converts to text - Visokio Forums
This is a static archive of all forums posts up to 28 Oct 2017; the new Omniscope forums are here.
category converts to text
  • Harry_BLM July 5, 2010 1:52PM

    I have some values which I have created from a formula. I have then changed the column to show as a category -and I am able to see results using this category - however each time I reopen the category has converted back to a text based field

    Is there any way of "fixing" the filed values so that they stay as a category
  •     steve July 6, 2010 9:53AM
    Un-tick: Settings > Advanced file settings > Auto-convert text fields.
  • Harry_BLM July 7, 2010 12:35PM
    Many thanks - this appears to have done the job


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