Hi, we are trying to upload a .csv dataset in 2.6. Due to country structure differences we always change the locale to Dutch. In 2.5 this works perfect, but in 2.6 we cannot get the data in Omniscope. I have attached a small sample file. Can you let us know how we should configure the upload settings? Decimal character is komma and fields are split by semicolon. In 2.5 there is only 1 option of for Dutch, but in 2.6 there are 3; Dutch, Dutch (Belgium) and Dutch (Netherlands).
By the way, the Data Manager is absolutely brilliant! GOOD JOB VISOKIO!!!!
This is a bug in Omniscope 2.6 that has now been fixed. To import the file described above enter ";" as the separator and choose "Dutch" from the locale dropdown. Please download tomorrows 2.6 release (2.6 b290) and let me know if you encounter any further problems.