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Bar/Line View: Isolate Positive and Negative values - browser version - Visokio Forums
This is a static archive of all forums posts up to 28 Oct 2017; the new Omniscope forums are here.
Bar/Line View: Isolate Positive and Negative values - browser version
  •        CRead April 23, 2015 9:20AM
    See attached, tested in 2.9b1630.

    In Omni mobile I get the warning, but I don't see why I should.

    Is there a work around for this, and will it be fixed so that the output matches classic view?
  •     paola April 29, 2015 10:54AM
    Thanks for reporting, it looks like a bug - although the data is correctly displayed, there should be no message, so we will try to fix this asap.
  •     aeastwood June 19, 2015 8:06AM
    Paola, we are getting the same error in 2.9+ b1700. Can this bug fix be prioritised?
  •     paola June 19, 2015 1:00PM
    This bug is fixed, possibly not integrated yet, will check and confirm.
  •     steve June 19, 2015 4:27PM
    We've uploaded a hotfix here:

    Please confirm and we'll integrate into the main 2.9 Plus version. If needed, a fix in 2.9 can be made available after 2 weeks later.
  •     aeastwood July 3, 2015 5:31AM
    Hi Steve, we have tried the hot fix and are still getting the same problem.
  •     steve July 3, 2015 1:36PM
    Alex, since my post, the hotfix was inadvertently deleted.

    You probably missed the red error "The feature (Plus/Hotfix_WrongOverlappingBarsWarning) does not exist" at the top of the download page, and downloaded the main 2.9 Plus build.

    However, coincidentally we integrated this fix earlier today and it will be available from version 2.9 Plus b1722, overnight (providing there are no unexpected build problems).


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