Hi All We have an external supplier that uses Omniscope to present that database to us with limited user interfaces to limit the chance of any data leaking out etc (Confidentiality). We use there reports to interrogate their database and then filter it accordingly. Previously we have sent them screen shots of the filters we have applied to get to certain views of the data. Is there a way of exporting not the data from a report but just the applied filters to the dataset? Many Thanks Danny
You could scramble the dataset (using the Scramble operation in the DataManager), then save the file without history (option in the Save As, removes the DataManger workflow, leaving only the Omniscope blue block and data inside) and send the file to be used as a template.
Thanks for this but we don't have the facility to even look at the Data Manager Tab, so we can't export any data from the reports due to confidential information and data protection.
I was just wondering if there was a way for us export the filters applied to the data to that we can send them to the supplier.
The issue here is that Omniscope report was delivered inside a portal, and opening as default in a Viewer mode, that doesn't allow the end user to export/import the current filter/query state (available in Desktop/Server edition under Queries menu). We've re-classified this post as an idea and will look whether it can be implemented at later stage.
Danny - have you tried using a free trial Desktop to load the IOK, specify and export the Named Queries you would like your supplier to add as new tabs on the (personalised) report.?
File data security layers should not affect your ability to export your personally-defined queries, since the XML query definition file exported contains no data, just field names.
The supplier can import the XML query definition file you send and add them to the reports automatically.
I have just tried to do this and open the portal version in the desktop version of Omniscope but I received an error so this is not possible.
I will ask the supplier if they can either check if this facility can be added to the reports moving forward, and check their server version can support it.
Thanks for your support and look forward to hearing from you.