Is it possible to develop a new type of Source analogous to the List of Values but instead in a tabular format?
For example, one could define the number of columns and rows and populate an empty table matrix of cells, which you can then fill in with values within the DataManager.
The idea is to actually reduce having to create separate lookup Excel/csv files and to have a way to do a free-text table all within the DataManager space. This will also make moving the IOK file around easier as it will have fewer external file dependencies if we can embed all the data (and not just a 10-record snapshot) within the DM space within the IOK file itself.
Hi, Thanks for the question. There isn't currently a Source block that does this, however you could easily achieve the same result by using a "Sequence of values" block and defining the number of records you need, then connecting a "Field organiser" where you can add the fields, and if necessary set the default value inside each field. These two blocks would allow you to define the columns/rows.
The values won't be sequential and not something I can use a field organiser to set see attached file of a typical lookup file. It will be a lot more easier if I can simply copy and paste out the data from there and embed it into the DM space like you can with the single column of List values.
No, I don't actually want it to depend on any external files at all and for it to be editable all within Omniscope. Currently my reports have a lot of the dependent files sitting on a shared network and if the file moves off the network, it will not be able to refresh the data as the links get broken. I've tried various ways to save the dependent files as Google spreadsheets or in dropbox but really these do not offer the convenience that the functionality could give. It also gets a bit confusing when other people want to edit those files and so I always revert back to using Excel/csv rooted on a shared network so that others can access those same dependent lookups.