Error with block "DATA". An error occurred saving "visokio_temp_tempres8058354335559329865.xlsm": Microsoft Office error 80010001 / Call was rejected by callee. A backup of the previous file was created at
Local\Temp\visokio_temp_tempres8058354335559329865 (backup).xlsm" A further error occurred restoring the backup: Cannot access file: The file you are trying to access is currently open in another program (such as Microsoft Excel). Please close these application(s) and try again.
Local\Temp\visokio_temp_tempres8058354335559329865.xlsm (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)
Please check if you are not accessing the same source file simultaneously from two Omniscope (iok) files, or perhaps using same file in two or more source blocks in one workflow?
It was being broken by the pivot refresh function in EXCEL. Omniscope overwriting the file made the refresh pivots function execute and fail the upload.
Issue was caused by two workflows in the DataManager (two different datasets) being published and pushed into the single file. You should create two files for two outputs created in the process.