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Removing duplicates automatically - Visokio Forums
This is a static archive of all forums posts up to 28 Oct 2017; the new Omniscope forums are here.
Removing duplicates automatically
  • johnom March 1, 2010 4:08PM
    I would like to be able to remove duplicates automatically.
    At the moment I am uploading an excel file, going to my unique column and marking those that are duplicated. I them deleted the marked rows.
    Is there any way of automatically removing duplicate data?
  •     chris March 1, 2010 5:48PM

    In Omniscope 2.6 you can automatically remove duplicate data using the 'De-duplicate' operation in DataManager. For an Excel file you can drag the file onto the DataManager workspace, then connect it up to a 'De-Duplicate' operation. Every time the Excel file updates the duplicate rows will be deleted.


  • johnom March 2, 2010 8:19AM
    Thanks, I'm on version 2.5 at the moment so when I get to 2.6, I will use this.


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