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Installation: Omniscope Server on Amazon EC2 (Linux) - Visokio Forums
Installation: Omniscope Server on Amazon EC2 (Linux)
  • istvan October 16, 2013 5:11AM
    Setting up an Omniscope Server on an EC 2 instance on Amazon

    1. Register an account at it will ask for email address, contact address and credit card details

    2. Got to and select My Account/Console -> AWS Management Console and click "EC2"

    3. Click the "Launch Instance" button

    4. Select "Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 LTS" (or whatever is the latest LTS release) 64 bit version

    5. Select at least an m1.large instance type(Memory optimized image highly recommended)

    6. Under "Configure Security Group" ensure that SSH and HTTP are added, if not present please add them.

    7. After everything is configured properly click "Launch" and select "Create a new key pair", give it a name and click "Download Key Pair" (usage:

      Secure the ".pem" file, because that will be required for logging into the server and click "Launch Instances"

    8. The Instance should be available under the menu "Instances" in the "EC2 Dashboard"

    9. Click on the instance click the "Connect" button from the top, it will show the full ssh command to connect to the machine (ssh -i yourkey.pem ubuntu@yourpublicdns). A Java SSH client is also available from Amazon that can be used directly from the browser. We also recommend Putty for Windows.

    10. Install Omniscope server:
      After logging in with SSH, you can manually install Omniscope, see

    11. Deploy some IOK files to the HTML5 browser version “sharing folder” (webroot) typically at [home]/omniscope-server/mobile/

      To access the file system of the server under Windows you can use WinSCP, see:

      We also recommend using Beyond Compare for Windows which natively supports SCP URLs such as scp://ubuntu@yourpublicdns/

    12. Configuration changes must be made manually in the XML, typically by configuring a separate Windows installation (you’ll need another test key for Omniscope Server) and deploying “C:/Users/username/omniscope-server/config.xml” to the Linux server.

      For example, you can configure usernames and passwords, and can enable web-based “file management” (upload, delete etc.).

      You can additionally create “folder.xml” files within different sub-folders of the “sharing folder” for folder-specific users and permissions. See “folder.xml.default” automatically created on first start in the sharing folder.


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