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Security: Web Server SSL configuration
  • antonio     antonio September 30, 2013 8:53AM
    Mobile Web Server now includes HTTPS support, and works out of the box with a self-signed certificate located into the omniscope-server install folder (named keystore.jks.default).

    If you want to use your own fully validated SSL certificate, you need to configure the path and the password of the keystore file containing the certificate.

    To generate keys and certificates, follow one of these two guides:
    Generate a Self Signed Certificate using Java Keytool
    Generate a Trusted Certificate
    sslConfig.png 16K
  • 1 Comment
  • antonio     antonio December 3, 2013 1:31PM
    Generating Java keystore with the full chain of certificates

    Follow these 6 steps to create your Java keystore:

    1. Generate your RSA Private key
      keytool -genkey -alias myalias -keyalg RSA -keystore c:\yoursite.jks
    2. Generate a CSR
      keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias myalias -file certreq.txt -keystore c:\yoursite.csr.keystore
    3. Use your CSR to request a new certificate from your chosen Certificate Authority (i.e. )
    4. Install the Trusted Root
      keytool -import -alias YourTrustRootCert -keystore c:\yoursite.jks -trustcacerts -file c:\YourTrustRootCert.crt
      **It may say that this root is already in the system wide store--import it anyway.
    5. Install all the intermediate certificates
      keytool -import -alias YourTrustIntermediateCert -keystore c:\yoursite.jks -trustcacerts -file c:\YourTrustIntermediateCert.crt
    6. Install the SSL Certificate under the same Alias that the CSR was created from (e.g. myalias)
      keytool -import -alias myalias -keystore c:\yoursite.jks -trustcacerts -file c:\YourSiteCert.crt
      You should receive a message: "Certificate reply was installed in keystore" if successful.


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