Hola; Tal como dice en el título de la discusión. Requiero visualizar en una misma tabla dos periodos diferentes al mismo tiempo y además poder seleccionarlos con filtro lateral. ¿Esto se puede hacer? ¿Cómo?
Isabel - Date/Time fields are continuous ranges, and use range sliders to filter. It is possible to duplicate your [Date/Time] field and create 2 slider filter devices. However, if you try this, you will see that rows/records filtered OUT by one slider cannot be filtered back IN using the other....
Instead, duplicate the [Date/Time] field, maybe change the display format to 'w' for week numbers and then re-type the duplicate field to Text/Category. Now you will have a non-continuous tick-box filter device option such that you can select only Week 1 and Week 5, and compare.