Steve - If both machines are Server licenses or above, then the same Task List can be shared across machines, such that Task Lists can edited in one machine while executing on the other. The file paths defined for each Task will determine what file is acted upon on which machine.
If the remote machine is a Desktop with IOK files stored on it, then you can use an(optionally parametric) batch file in the Task List to launch the file on the server from the remote Desktop machine (potentially passing in parameters) as explained here:
"If the remote machine is a Desktop with IOK files stored on it, then you can use an (optionally parametric) batch file in the Task List to launch the file from the remote Desktop machine..."
I read the other topic as well. But how do I trigger our server to open a file on my local pc?
How you can explain your answer so we can implement this great functionality.
Just create an Execute Command option that includes the full path to the .bat file on the remote machine. The .bat file references the IOK file to launch with full path and can also contain parameters to pass into Omniscope when opening the IOK documented here:
Here is the code for a simple .bat executable file that launches an IOK file and passes some filter parameters defined externally into Omniscope on file open: ---------------------------------------------------
@echo off REM ################################################ REM The absolute path to Omniscope application REM ################################################
set OmniscopeAppPath=C:\Users\Thomas Bate\AppData\Local\Visokio Omniscope app\Omniscope.exe
REM ################################################ REM Absolute path to the template file being launched. REM ################################################
set omniscopeTemplateFilePath="C:\Users\Public\Documents\Scheduler Demo Files\@Batch Parametric Launcher\ParametricLaunchFile.iok"
REM ################################################ REM List of parameters being used to fully define data sources and launch settings for template file. REM ################################################
set parameterList=-dmParamName=Ticker -dmParamValue=abbey -dmParam2Name=Limit -dmParam2Value=5
REM ################################################ REM Launching the template file with the parameters list defined above. REM ################################################
Thank you for your clear explenation. Maybe I am missing something. But our server is not connected to my local machine, so the path that you suggest does not exist.
Just to make sure that I understand your explenation correctly:
1 On the server I schedule an 'execute command' task 2 In that command I give the path of on IOK file on my local machine. 3 When execting, the file should open on my local machine.
Maybe it is easier to have a skype call about this situation. Thanks for the effort!
The method Thomas suggested only works if you want to run a copy of Omniscope on the server machine.
If you want to run Omniscope on the other (desktop) machine, you have to find a way to remotely execute applications from one Windows machine on another. Basically, you have two options:
Both of these options are fairly complex, and you would probably need the help of your network administrator to set them up.
One you have established one of these methods and you are capable of remotely executing programs on your windows network, you can use a .bat file to automate the process as explained by Thomas in the previous posts.