I have a large IOK file that I don't want to make any bigger due to machine performance however I want to be able to show additional details. Is it possible to create a link to another IOK file which contains details. For example I have data against suppliers in my main analysis file. I may want to see other static information about my suppliers, address, phone number, web site etc however I don't want this in the mail file as it will only be used occassionally. Is there a way that I can link to an associated file to be able to lookup this info - a bit like creating a web link.
I have used parameter passing from one IOK to another and I don't want to do this. I am thinking more or a show details kind of thing.
Andy - Yes, adding links to other files, including other IOK files, is easy in Omniscope whether the target file is publically web-accessible or stored on the intranet/network.
To add links to an OMniscope file: Settings > Links > Add Web{Local} link and you will see the Add link dialogue. You can use text strings already inside the IOK file from Insert field valuesand add any static text in any part of the link, e.g. the .iok file extension in the link builder.
The resulting link can be attached to any number of fields in the file.
You do not need a website/web server to make linked files publically accessible...you can use the Public folder in a file synchronisation/storage service like DropBox.
Is it possible to pass a parameter to this file though? For example if I selected a company called Visokio in my summary file and wanted to link to the external file to show the company details (name and address etc). Could I do that without using 2 data managers and publishing parameters from one to another? ie could this be done with viewer licences?
Andy - Passing parameters to define data subsets to be injected on IOK file open is something that can be done via local .bat batch file IOK launch, as discussed here:
and on further linked threads under the topic of Integration with other applications.
Parameter passing is currently not possible using web links.
For now, it is probably best to use automatically-generated 'families' of linked detail files using the Batch Publisher output options. The process to spit out text or html files for each record, and link to those can be automated. You can then keep the static files locally, in your linkable Public folder on something like Dropbox, or put them on a simple static webserver.