I have a selection of source files which each hold similar data, however, the actual data itself starts at a different row in each file.
Rather than edit the source block each time I add a new one, is there a way to search the file and locate where the data starts based on a cell marker (a cell value which remains constant throughout all of the files) and use this as the new data table.
Previously I have used Excel macros to loop through columns to locate where data starts, but the aim is to move all of the VBA code into an Omniscope trial to be completely automated.
Chris - We can look at this as an idea to use a parameter, which is the current way of modifying bookmark/source block import behaviour and filtering, but for now your best bet is to solve this within the Omniscope multi-file data flow by importing ALL the potential data rows into each Timeslice Source IOK file, then using Record filter pre-processing operations to eliminate the non-valid or duplicated rows, using formulae which can be as simple as excluding nulls, or very sophisticated.
Please see attached for more detail on the Multi-file Reference Architecture.