Hi there - I am trying to convert a numeric value into a date value. The numeric is for example 201244, which means the year 2012 and week 44. I am using the Field Organiser in DataManager, and changing the field data type from Numeric to Date/Time and specifying both the the input and output date format both to "yyyyww". The thousand seperator is removed.
The result is that some values are set to null and I can't figure out why this is? Just to be sure, is this the correct way to do this or should I use something else? We often use this type of editing and it normally works just fine. Thanks
You can implement the above solution (format YYYY-ww) if you have 2.8, without the need to install Java 7. If you are using Omniscope 2.7, and wish to install Java 7, you will be ok, and your Scheduler actions will not be affected.
Trying your suggested solution on a local 64bit laptop. When I edit the "installconfig.properties" file and save it, it throws a message that the file is already in use and I can't save it.
I have adminstrator rights, restarted pc to be sure no program is active, but still same error message.
Windows does not allow you to edit a file in the c:\program files directory. So save the installconfig.properties on your desktop, edit it, and then move it back to the original folder.