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Date/Time: Import specific date format? - Visokio Forums
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Date/Time: Import specific date format?
  • briansj January 3, 2013 9:24AM
    I have a field in a .csv file with the following format

    28/12/12 23:59

    I am using dd/MM/yy HH:mm to try to get this to read as a date in field organizer, but this format returns a blank

  •     steve January 4, 2013 4:13AM
    It works for me. Perhaps there is something unusual about the whitespace in the CSV.

    Please try the following:
    - Start Omniscope
    - Create a new file
    - Copy and paste the date given above, from the forum page, into a cell in Omniscope
    - Cancel the prompt to auto-convert
    - Manually convert the field to date
    - Customise the format
    - Copy and paste the date format given above, also from the forum page, into the date format dialog
    - OK

    Your date should convert and remain a date. Please post a sample CSV file containing the problematic date.
  • briansj January 4, 2013 3:02PM
    Not sure what I did differently, but the date formatted correctly from the CSV this time. Thanks for your help.
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