I have a file that includes multiple measures for 50 products for 53 countries.
I want to set up a dashboard for each product (50 tabs), which I have done by duplicating the original dashboard and then changing the product filter on each tab.
The default is for all 53 countries, but I would like to be able to select a single country and change all of the tabs simultaneously. The Advanced Tab function doesn't appear to do this for me, so any ideas how I might achieve this?
I know that I could use record filters in DataManager to produce single country files, but for demo purposes I would like to use just a single, multi country, file. I'm using 2.8 build 329 x64
Martyn - So to clarify, you want a 50 product/tab presentation where data rows for all 53 countries are present in the ALL data subset for all views and all tabs. Then you want a single, global selection of one of 53 countries, and all views and all product tabs throughout the file would switch to showing only the data subset for just one country?
Exactly Tom. This would help not only in live presentation mode, but also means that I could change all tabs and then export all views to a Country PDF or PowerPoint presentation file
Martyn- If your first tab, or even an initial country chooser tab contains the only Country Category filter device, and all subsequent tabs are defined as Advanced tabs (names in italic) without own query state (i.e. unticked...in other words, they 'inherit' the county filter settimgs from the initial country chooser tab) why does this not work for you?
Tom- this doesn't work for me for the following reason.
I want each of the 50 product tabs to show a different product. To do this I have to be able to change the Product filter device. Then I want to be able to make global changes by choosing a different country from the Country filter device.
If I create an advanced tab from an initial tab I am unable to change the product filter (shows empty) on the advanced tab. This negates what I am trying to achieve. It appears that Advanced tabs are an all-or-nothing option when it comes to filter devices. Or am I still doing something wrong?
If each tab is only ever about a single product, then all the View data subsets on each dedicated product tab should be set to a Named Query like Product = "widget1"...50" intersected with the other filters, one of which will be the country filter setting 'inherited' from the first/prior tabs.
So, I create my 50 Queries using my first tab (each to include 53 Countries, single product). I create my advanced tab (which option boxes ticked or unticked?) and then load Query 1 etc.
Then when I select a single country option on my first tab, they will all change.
Yes, as you create each subsequent tab you create an advanced tab and UNTICK the option to have its own query state. This means that tab will pick up the device filter settings from the previous tab.
However, it is difficult to avoid have to tab thorough all 50 product tabs and set the View subset for each view on each tab to the correct product Named Query for that tab. Although we have file-wide global variables, we don't yet support defining Named Queries of the form [Field] = {Variable}