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Content View: Changing the display - 'No Value' - Visokio Forums
Content View: Changing the display - 'No Value'
  • SteveW June 15, 2012 6:25AM

    I am trying to create a formula in a Content View with the below formula:
    SUBSET_SUM([Position], INTERSECTION(SUBSET([Keyword rank],1), SUBSET([Week Rank],1)))

    This returns the value as expected, except for any instances where none of the instances occur it shows "(no value)" in my table.

    Is there a way to set the default (no value) to a blank space? I am sure that it is a simple formula but I can't seem to get it to work.

  • SteveW June 15, 2012 11:54AM
    I appear to have solved the problem now with the following formula:

    IF(SUBSET_FIRSTNONNULL([Keyword], SUBSET([Keyword rank],10))<>NULL,SUBSET_FIRSTNONNULL([Keyword], SUBSET([Keyword rank],10)),"")
  •     chris June 15, 2012 12:05PM

    Glad you resolved this issue. If you would like us to investigate whether there is an alternative formula you could use could you post some sample data for us?
  • SteveW June 15, 2012 12:19PM
    Hi Chris,

    Attached is a sample of the file. I think the next steps would be to write some JavaScript to alter the size of the table based on the number of keywords in the report.

  • Soruban June 18, 2012 1:39PM

    If you need some pointers on how to use Javascript in the content view, you should read the following posts:

    Here is also some basic code to get the table at the right size:
    <td>Position This Week</td>
    <td>Position Last Week</td> 
    var keywords = subset_uniquesList("Keyword");
    var count = keywords.length;
    for(var i = 0; i < count; i++)



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