Hi all, Can you have the below attached snapshot version for which I have modified the HTML code in the backend for merging the multiple rows and columns. Coloring the whole cell would also be helpful rather having a highlighter for the fonts. Please find the attached snapshot for which I have modified in the html backend code for merging and coloring the cells. As per my HTML attached, I have highlighted the entire box. Rather than using the highlight button in the menu this only highlights a portion of the box. Please change the button to highlight the entire box, matching this manually created HTML. Also you can create the multiple column / Row merging as per my highlighted HTML colde. Please let you know your thoughts on this.
Rajesh, I'm not sure exactly what you mean. In the JPG, for example the entire "Completed" cell is coloured grey. Can you show an example of what you are getting, and what you want to get?
Steve, I was trying to explain if you look at the output of modified content view.jpg which has all cells colored completed but in the above button "Highlight Color" just highlights the fonts but we need it to be filling the whole cell which would be helpful for our reporting conditions. and moreover if you look at the same snapshot "Weekly Problem Staging Dashboard" I have manually merged the cells as we dont have an option of merging more than 2 cells and if you look at the cells "Completed", "Total", "KPI" I have merged vertically. So can you please help us with having these options in the main button. Please refer to the HTML Code which I have manually editted for merging ("Colspan" & "Rowspan") and for filling the cell color i used bgcolor option in the td class. Please let me know if you have any further clarifications.
Rajesh - Version 2.7 beta is now feature-frozen so no new features (even good ones like this one) can be added to version 2.7.
Version 2.8 alpha will not be available immediately because a raft of very low-level memory use and speed/performance improvements will be added and tested, potentially making 2.8 alpha too risky for production reporting use for about a month.
Can you advise of the time tables for this? 2.7 beta just became available. Are we looking at +6 months for 2.8 beta? I am just trying to set realistic expectations for our internal clients.
We expect to begin development on 2.8 shortly, which will become available to alpha partners. 2.8 will is planned to be in beta around mid to late summer.