At the moment when you try and open an XML file in Omniscope you need to specify a XSL document to allow Omniscope convert the XML to the correct format. It would be much more user friendly if Omniscope allowed you to configure the XML import inside the dialog, by allowing you to specify the row element, columns etc. This would only work for simple XML files but would mean you wouldn't have to create an XSL file for each distinct XML document you wanted to open.
The difficulty is XML is a very flexible and hierarchical format, and one document's solution might not work for another's.
If you're still talking about the invoice XML above, for example, this is highly hierarchical. In this case what node in the XML would constitute a record in the output? How would attributes and body text of child nodes be handled?
We're considering a solution which can be entirely automatic without configuration, where each terminating XML node (a node without children) results in a single record, and all attributes of all parent nodes are repeated for every record.
In this case that wouldn't work very well, since InvoiceIDVATRegistrationNumber and InvoiceIDName1 would result in separate records.
You could then configure what node level constituted a record, e.g. Invoice. But this would then need to deal with flattening multiple children (InvoiceHeader, InvoiceIDDetails) into a single record cell for each invoice field.
But the principle of our current planned automatic solution is to convert the data into tabular form in a consistently reproducible way; you could then use other operations to restructure the data appropriately.
Currently you have to write an XSL transformation file, which is the most flexible way of dealing with an arbitrary schema.
It would still be exceptionally helpful if an XML wizard were available to assist in defining the record start/end nodes and other hierarchy nodes. In effect to build an XSL file with the assistance of a wizard. I have no idea whether this might be possible since I am not really familiar with the complexities of XML schema.