This discussion will be used to post updates on the status of the new Bar/Line view, originally started in 2.6 Alpha and now continuing development in 2.7 Alpha, scheduled for release later this year.
Please don't post comments here if you have feedback; start a new discussion instead.
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2.7 b101: "Bar3" and "Line" views have been merged into one and now replace the old Bar view. The new Bar view can be found in the normal place and has all the functionality previously on show under "Bar3" and "Line".
Any old Bar view configurations should be 100% compatible and functionally identical, with very small differences in layout.
Also, contrary to expectations, any existing configurations created by alpha partners using the "Bar3" view in 2.6 Alpha or 2.7 Alpha should migrate automatically to this view. From tonight's build, 2.7 b102, the same will apply to any configurations in the "Line" view.
The reverse doesn't apply; any configurations using new features in the new Bar view will not work if opened in older versions of the application.
The Bar/Line views have been merged because they are functionally identical. You can choose between bars and lines (or a mix) using the Measures drop-down. The default is to show bars.
2.7 b102: scale labels now honour field formatting settings, e.g. %, decimal places. Requires all measures on the same scale (left/right) to have compatible settings.
2.7 b102: incorrect scale labels fixed; was previously showing too many or too few decimal places, sometimes appearing to show the wrong order of magnitude.
Configure two or more measures in the measures drop-down
From the Preset menu, choose "Lines on bars"
To configure them as dual-axis, use the scale icon in the measures drop-down to select left or right scales
Please be warned that we have not finalised how this behaves, and may change it radically before 2.7 is released. During this period we cannot guarantee that any configurations you make using functionality new to 2.7 will continue to work in the same way in future versions.
2.7 b135: split and measures are now inside the view on the relevant axis. Unless flipped, split is in the X axis at the bottom right (introduced a few weeks ago), and measures is now in the Y axis at the top left (introduced now).
You can revert to showing these in the toolbar via new Tools > Layout settings.
2.7 b136: better default colouring behaviour. Bars will not be coloured, except if, in order of precedence, you: - have multiple measures; if so, it will colour by measures - have layering; if so, it will colour by layer - have stacking; if so, it will colour by stack This is implemented as a (default) behaviour option "Tools > Colouring > By measure, layer or stack".
2.7 b142: "order by this measure" toggle button in measure picker. Allows you to choose which measure to order by.
For example, if you have two measures, as interleaved bars, and have clicked the "Order bars" button, by default Omniscope will order the series by the sum of both measures. Use this option to override this.
This also applies when ordering panes, tiles, stacks, etc. in the "Tools > Ordering" menu.
At present there are some more advanced bar view configurations where this won't work as expected, for complex reasons we're working through. If you find this is the case, you may need to change the "Tools > Ordering > Empty data buckets" option.
2.7 b142: "Include all" and "Include other" options for split/pane/etc. moved into a separate submenu "Other options", plus new option to customise the label for the "all" value, e.g. "Total", "Grand total".
2.7 b145: after experimenting with measures and splits on the left and bottom of the view next to the Pane options, we've reverted these to the view toolbar. You can still choose using Tools > Layout.
2.7 b145: measure totals no longer shown by default in data titles. E.g. "Price Split by Region" instead of "Price (sum 123) Split by Region". To customise this, see the options at the bottom of the measures menu.
2.7 b145: you can now choose whether to label bars/panes. For example, if paning by measures, and the colour key is also showing the measures names, you might want to disable showing the measure labels on the axis. From the "Pane: measures" drop-down, click the "other options" drop-down icon and untick "Labelled".
2.7 b173: new option "Tools > Style > Smooth curves". This applies a simple form of curve smoothing to lines, if lines are configured.
It uses a new bespoke algorithm for curve fitting. While the lines still pass through each marker, the curves do not deviate as much as the cubic splines algorithm used in the Graph view. This creates a more accurate indication of where inflections are in the lines, but in some cases the lines may appear less smooth, and the smoothed curves will appear different to those in the Graph view.
Currently there are no customisation options. If needed, we can add options to choose the curve-fitting algorithm and the amount of smoothing, although the existing behaviour should be a good default. Please post any feedback in the forums.
2.7 b181: "Show value labels" setting for each measure allows you to independently configure labels on top of bars, within the scale submenu of the measures drop-down. (This was previously global, as "Tools > Layout > Show quantity labels")
2.7 b203: new option "Layout > Advanced > Limit singleton bar width" which, when unticked, disables the bar width cap and causes bars to fill the full space.