The Outlook PST connector is now available in Omniscope 2.7.
You can now import records from an Outlook PST file such as email, calendar entries, notes, contacts for visualisation or mining. To import your PST file data just open the file using the File > Open or use the File block in DataManager.
Many organisations file all initial contact information, and early conversations with leads, only in Outlook PST....they may be too small to have a separate CRM package, or they may not want to clutter their CRM with a welter of enquiries/leads that do not mature.
Simply mining the file for contacts can be useful when people leave the company and all that remains of their activities is the Outlook PST file on their machine.
The classic use case of this is litigation support, where all email conversations must be analyzed looking for the 'smoking gun' to be used as evidence in court.
Omar - PST is a proprietary file format for Microsoft Outlook. Lotus (IBM) Notes has its own file formats for mail and data/documents, and we do not have connectors for importing any of these...
I have tried this option, this will only give me the content of the email. I also have couple of attachments(Excel), its doesnt open them on omniscope. Can this be achieved using omniscope?
The only reason I am using as PST file is as the email connector doesn't transfer the data. I have tried using the email connector and I guess, omniscope doesnt allow the Microsoft outlook data to come in. Could this be firewall issue?
You need to make sure your Exchange server is setup to support POP3 or IMAP connectivity. We don't currently have a Microsoft Exchange installation, so can't verify whether this can be done, however an internet search seems to suggest that it is possible.
- Have you made this change? Have you verified the settings with your Microsoft Exchange administrator? - Are you sure your email connection information is correct? I remember speaking to you a while ago and the Incoming mail server URL you were trying to connect to was not reachable from your PC. Can you ping your mail server? - What error message are you getting?