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Y axis customisation on graph view - Visokio Forums
Y axis customisation on graph view
  •     Kiddo29 October 7, 2011 5:52AM
    Hi All,

    I have multiple graph views on one tab and want to customise what data can be seen when you choose a Y axis.
    I did this without any problems but then when i went to another graph view in the same tab the changes i had made were carried over to it. Is there a way of showing certain sets of data in one graph view when choosing a Y axis and then having different sets of data visible when choosing a Y axis in another graph view within the same tab?

    Really annoying if this isn't possible - let me know if you need further info.

  • antonio     antonio October 7, 2011 9:32AM
    Unfortunately, you cannot use the Y axis drop down to control to show a subset of data. However, if you wish to show different data in two different Graph views on the same tab then you will have to use "Named Queries". Using Named Queries you can create different snapshots of data and assign a query to a particular view. If you want to show different snapshots for different Y axis fields then you will have to create additional views in conjunction with Named Queries. Another alternative is to use tabs instead of Named Queries.

    If the above doesn't solve the exact problem you are experiencing then can you post a sample file together with more information as to what exactly you are trying to achieve.

    Attached is an example file with 3 graph views, each one with a query as data subset, in order to handle different data in every graph views.

  •     Kiddo29 October 10, 2011 4:42AM
    Hi Antonio,

    Unfortunatelty that solution isn't going to work for me. I have three types of data for example and then 10 different metrics under each type. I wanted to be able to have a graph view for each type of data (3 graph views) and then the 10 metrics on the y axis sitting within each type. seperate tabs for each wiln not work either as i already have multiple tabs and this will be going out to a client. Why isn't it possible to do what I'm asking if it's possible to do this on seperate tabs?

    Any other ways around this that you can think of?
  •     indranildatta October 11, 2011 5:53AM
    I have had similar requirement before, and one of the ways I have solved this is to use a custom variable who values are the names of the metrics.

    Then I added a function field called metric, that has the following function:

    IF([customvar] = "Metric 1", [Metric 1],
    [customvar] = "Metric 2", [Metric 2],

    I then use this formula field as the Y-axis ion the graph.

    So when I selected a sepcific metric name for the variable, immediately the values change and subsequently the graphs.

    I hope this helps.

    Indranil Datta
    Invizua Limited - - Dedicated to Media, Marketing Services and Market Research Organisations
    M: +44 7956 470 046 | E: | Skype: indranildatta1 | LinkedIn: | Twitter: @indranildatta

    Address: Studio 6, 36-42 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EY


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