Available from tonight's alpha build, 2.7 b50 or later, these new features take the power of filter devices up a notch or two.
You might use these settings to create tabs which appear to be exclusively showing different subsets of the data. Or you might use these settings to create drill-down hierarchies of choices in filters.
Some of these settings are available per-device, depending on the type of device. You can find these by right-clicking the device name. Others are available from the device panel toolbar, under the Tools menu (spanner icon next to "Devices").
Enable dynamic devices
Enables the calculation of the effect of other devices on each device, used to show preview counts and to determine the effect of "Show values excluded by other devices". If disabled, most of the options below will be unavailable.
For complex data files with many fields, it may take a second or two after changing filters for these calculations to complete. The application will remain responsive during this period, but a tiny spinning clock will be shown in the device toolbar to indicate that preview counts, etc., are being updated.
Available from the device panel toolbar.
Show "(no value)"
If unticked, the "(no value)" option, if present, will be hidden. Has no effect on the way filtering is applied.
Available for category list and number/date slider devices. Can also be set globally from the device panel toolbar.
Show values excluded by other devices
If unticked, only choices which have an impact on remaining data will be shown. So if all records with value "X" have already been excluded by another filter, you won't see "X" in this device.
Example use: you have "Country" and "State" devices. The Country device might have 20 options, and the State device might have 30 options for every country. Use this setting on the State device to limit available choices to those relevant to the selected countries.
Available for category list and number/date slider devices. Also available for yes/no options (individually) and the named-query device. Can also be set globally from the device panel toolbar.
Show frozen devices
If unticked, all frozen query devices will be hidden. If actively filtering, they will continue to filter "silently".
Example use: you are creating a tab that simulates the effect of loading only a subset of data into Omniscope. You use a query device to filter down to the simulated data, you freeze it to exclude it from resets, and you hide it using this option.
Example use: see below. Available from the device panel toolbar.
Rebase main barometer for frozen devices
If ticked, the barometer in the main toolbar will "rebase" to simulate the effect of deleting all records excluded by frozen devices.
Example use: you are creating a tab that simulates the effect of loading only a subset of data into Omniscope. Use a query device to filter down to the simulated data, freeze it to exclude it from resets, hide it using "Show frozen devices", and use this option to rebase the main barometer.
Available from the device panel toolbar, and from right-clicking the barometer.
Show empty devices
This new option is unticked by default and demonstrates a new behaviour typically needed when some of the above options are used. If all options in a device are removed due to "Show values excluded by other devices" and/or "Show (no value)", the device itself will disappear from the sidebar.
Available from the device panel toolbar.
Sort values by frequency
This old option has now been enhanced to dynamically reorder options according to their frequency in the filtered data. When ticked, you will observe checkboxes reorder as you play with other devices. Also now extended to other device types.
Useful to highlight the more populated values in your current filtering context, which will appear at the top of the device.
Available for category list devices and the yes/no and named-query devices. Can also be set globally from the device panel toolbar.
Restrict to single value
Allows you to change a list of checkboxes into a list of radio buttons. Radio buttons only permit one choice to be selected at one time. This means that the device cannot be reset, and is always filtering. The user can choose any available single value.
Useful if you want to prevent the user from ever seeing more than one set of data at once - where, for example, this might sum data in a way that would be incorrect.
Available for category list devices only.
Show total
This allows you to choose whether to show the total number of records in the main barometer or not. For example, this is shown as "/100" as in: "83 [barometer] 17 / 100".
Just as a possible further development with the Radio Button, it would be quite nice to be able to limit not just by a single value but maybe a number we can define ourselves. An example of this in use would be a Product Comparison tool which allows for selecting upto three mobile phones to put next to each other to compare their prices, number of texts/calls per month etc.
I am working with the radio buttons now, and even after selecting the option to "Restrict to a single value", I am being able to choose multiple values. Is there another setting thats required along with this? I am on 2.7 build 67.
Indranil, the problem you mentioned above of being able to select multiple values even though you have selected "Restrict to a single value" should be fixed in 2.7 b94 onwards.