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Containers - Visokio Forums
This is a static archive of all forums posts up to 28 Oct 2017; the new Omniscope forums are here.
  •     davedunckley September 21, 2011 5:27AM
    Hi Guys,

    A quick question. In data Explorer, I have noticed it puts all YES/NO feilds into one container. This is really handy as it keeps all my options toggether. is it possible to create my own. So I could have one called Weights and Messuares for exapmle?
  •     steve September 21, 2011 5:57AM
    There's only one "Yes/no fields" container. Any field which follows these rules can, and will by default, appear within it:

    - 2 unique values
    - one of which is any of: true, on, yes, t, y, 1
    - the other is any of: false, off, no, f, n, 0, null / no value

    (true/false, on/off and yes/no must be in the same language as the Omniscope interface language)

    If you want more fields to appear here, make sure they follow these rules. For example, all values are either "true" or "false", or all values are either "yes" or null/empty.

    This results in a single tri-state checkbox (reset/all, only true values, only false values) which is much more compact than a regular category list (two checkboxes, one for each value). It doesn't make sense to include fields which aren't "yes/no" fields in this way.

    You can also look at the option of using a point slider. Right-click the device title and see "Filter type".
  •     davedunckley September 21, 2011 7:11AM
    I am more looking to be able to create my own container that I can pull any feilds into. Is this possible?
  •        daniel September 21, 2011 7:28AM
    I've been able to achieve a way for doing this but it is not exactly correct and only works if the fileds you combine are category fields.

    You basically create a new field which combines the fields you want in the same container and use the tokenised function to separate them. It basically ends up working like the Search All box for selected fields.

    Attached is an example of how it can be done.
    Example.iok 6K
  •     steve September 21, 2011 7:36AM
    That's a great idea, if you can make it work for your data.

    If you simply want to visually group a set of devices in a section, aside from reordering them, or having different configurations on different tabs, we don't currently have "section headers" (feel free to post this under Ideas). Instead try using the left device panel as well as the right; this gives you two groups, at least.
  •     davedunckley September 21, 2011 10:48AM
    Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for you help. This is sort of what I want, but to be able to manage the feilds them selfs. Would be a great thing to have.

    Thanks also Steve.



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