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Drill Down Options
  • VoteVote Up4Vote Down     davedunckley September 13, 2011 6:06AM
    Hi Guys,

    I have a list of options (yes/no) I will like to be able to drill down into on the data explorer.

    So for example:-

    Cat one Type

    Type two
    Transit (type of van)
    ford (type of car)

    Type three

    Escort (Type of Ford, Type of Cat)

    I would like when I first open dataexplorer for only Cat one options to be avaliable, Then when I click on an option, only the relivant options from cat 2 to show. And then the same into level 3.

    Is this possible?

    Thanks in advance.

  •     steve September 13, 2011 9:06AM
    Not presently. You can achieve a 2-tier drill-down using filters for the type one, selection in a view for type two, and displaying the resulting data using a view with Data Subset set to "Selected data".

    I have reclassified this as an idea - please vote. In short:

    Hierarchical multi-field category filter, as a tree of checkboxes;
    or, contextual filters, which show/hide options according to their availability given other active filters.
  •     davedunckley September 13, 2011 9:44AM
  •     tjbate September 19, 2011 9:52AM
    Dave - The Chart View allows you to specify hierarchies such that selecting and keeping one category brings up the next level down:

    Chart View: View Tools > Tools > Hierarchies

    You can show just the one top level field...not perfect visualisation, but works...

  •     steve September 28, 2011 8:11AM
  •     steve November 10, 2011 4:28AM
    Closing as complete
This discussion has been closed.
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