Hi - I was wondering if there was a way to duplicate multiple operations within the DataManager. I am currently having to copy the same process 11 times and change only a few of the options within.
There is currently no way to duplicate a series of operations in a workflow, however one way you could do this would be to save the workflow that you want to duplicate, then whenever you want to re-use it drag the IOK file onto your DataManager workspace and select "Import all DataManager blocks". You can repeat this process as many times as you like.
Another way to do this would be to first group the workflow into a single block by selecting the "Group upstream" option in the block tools of the last block in the workflow you want to duplicate. You can then duplicate this block and ungroup.
At the moment you can only duplicate a single block in DataManager. I've reclassified the ability to duplicate a group of blocks as an idea, so please vote if you want it implemented!
I have tried to do this previously and when I do it the imported blocks end up too far away to drag into the DataManager i.e. one is in the far top right, the other part that was the original DM in the far bottom left. Has this problem been fixed?
I am currently having issues in terms of my email not receiving updates or your email it seems from the forum, will try to have this sorted ASAP then hopefully we can try and solve this issue