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tracing dependents... - Visokio Forums
tracing dependents...
  • edthomp March 9, 2009 11:50AM
    I was wondering how best to achieve what Excel terms 'tracing dependents' in Omniscope.

    The problem - I have a model and need to ascertain whether or not certain columns of data are being used elsewhere in the model, or are superfluous. In Excel this could be achieved by use of 'trace dependent' arrows - what is the best way to do this in Omniscope?
  • 1 Comment
  •     steve March 9, 2009 2:54PM
    With Omniscope, fields are used throughout the application in many different places - as filters within different pages, as measures or breakdowns within views, etc. As such it isn't possible to summarise where a field is "used" elsewhere within the file (unlike Excel, which simply has sheets of grids of cells).

    However, in the forthcoming version 2.5, field tooltips (seen when hovering over field headers in the table view) summarise the direct references to/from the field in all formulas. I suspect this is the closest to what you are asking for.


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