We use dials to show values within ranges, but from what I have read and experienced elsewhere, bullet graphs appear to offer more flexible, visually attractive and compact options. Do you intend to incorporate bullet graphs in the future, or am I over- rating their importance?
Martyn - Bullet graphs were invented by Stephen Few (with whom we consult periodically) as a compact, data-rich and efficient alternative to gauges on a dashboard. They display the same information gauges do but use less space and are less likely to distort key relationships in the data.
Given demand, we can indeed implement them, perhaps in a future version of the Dial View. However, they are currently not as widely-recognised as the traditional gauges, and therefore bullet graphs are still less-used and demanded than guages in dashboards...
As you look to add more graph types, one of my favorite are bullet graphs. They allow you to present a ton of information in a limited amount of space...