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Text filtering: ANY vs ALL? - Visokio Forums
Text filtering: ANY vs ALL?
  •     gayatri June 22, 2011 10:37AM

    I am using a filter/device for company names (my filter type is text search). I want to enable tokenised text, so that user can enter multiple company names to view their data. I am using tokenised and using a comma (,) to separate company names. But when I test it using two company names, separated by a comma then it returns 0 results. (both the companies have data available in my Table view). I also tried using a semicolon (;) but to no effect. Could someone please help me.

  •     tjbate June 22, 2011 2:10PM
    Gayatri - you do not need to enter delimiters like "," into the text search device if you want to search for two companies at a time. If you want users to be able to look for a series of companies by name from the text filter, you need to reveal Text Tools on the Company Name text filter drop-down and change the criteria from ALL to ANY (just click on it). You do not need to use a comma delimiter to tokenise Text, you can also use just a blank space which you enter as the specified delimiter at the time you re-type the Text Companies field to be tokenised Text.
  •     gayatri June 23, 2011 6:59AM
    Thanks a lot. It worked as desired.
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