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Summing Unique Values
  •     stilley June 10, 2011 11:03AM
    Hello I would like to be able to add my unique values together. Is there a way to do this? I have box Office numbers for different movies and I would like to be able to add them together for each studio and be able to get an average of how much was earned by each Studio.
  •     tjbate June 10, 2011 12:08PM
    Sarah - This is a typical use of SUBSET functions in formulae columns: If you have a tabular data set with columns [Studio], [Movie] and [Box Office] you would add a formula for AVERAGE BOX OFFICE like this:

    SUBSET_MEAN([Box Office],SUBSET[Studio]))

    I have posted a little example, which also shows how to display the results in both Grouped and Aggregated Table View displays.
  •     tjbate June 10, 2011 12:23PM
    Here is an example file....files like these are the best way to learn...not with thosands of rows of real client data ;>)


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