I understand that if I have a main data source (A), and I join merge a different dataset (B), that when I change information in dataset B, the "refresh from source" will update dataset A.
If I then join merge other data sources (C) & (D) to the main source (A) and consequently makes updates to all referenced files (B, C & D) will the "refresh from sources" recognise that all three tables have changed and therefore update the necessary fields in A?
In Omniscope 2.5, changes to the original source (A) are auto-detected if possible (if a file has changed; databases cannot be auto-detected) and a refresh is prompted. Any merged files are not detected in this way.
However, if you choose to refresh data, Omniscope will refresh data from A and repeat the merges from B, C and D. At the end of this process you will have the latest data from all sources, and should be able to observe this in the progress dialog.
Omniscope 2.6 introduces DataManager, a visual workspace for building and linking data sources, with full control over each source's refresh behaviour. See: http://www.visokio.com/okavango