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Data locale: Float localization when importing from CSV - Visokio Forums
Data locale: Float localization when importing from CSV
  • fjuan May 23, 2011 5:24AM
    I have two instances of Omniscope installed on different computers each one with a custom localization (es, en)

    I'd like to merge data into an omniscope file from a CSV file with this format:

    product, code, sales
    cofee, code_01, 1234.56
    te, code_01, 78.9

    Everything goes perfect when I'm using the English locaized version but number's are not correctly imported on the Spanish one as the dot is completly ignored

    Is there an CSV standard format that visokio understand in any localization?

    Thanks in advance
  •     steve May 23, 2011 8:29AM
    The problem is that numbers are formatted differently in English and Spanish, and you have an English CSV file.

    On the Spanish PC: In the File open dialog, choose "customise data import behaviour" before selecting your file. In the next dialog, change "locale" to English. Also make sure "cell separator" is ",".
  • fjuan May 23, 2011 11:10AM
    Thank you very much Steve!!

    I completly missed that option on the merge dialog.
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