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Bar view percentage - Visokio Forums
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Bar view percentage
  • VoteVote Up3Vote Down Ftor March 10, 2011 1:20PM
    Hi all, is there anyway of getting the percentage in a bar view flipped, and that is selected mesure another variable (weighted) ?? Now it shows me weighted values.
  •     steve March 11, 2011 2:14AM
    Please could you post an example IOK file with more detail about what you are trying to achieve?
  • Ftor March 11, 2011 8:51AM
    Please, see the attach. The bar variable was collapse, separated by ";". The variable I selected in "converte field data type" option "categorie", in "categorie type options I selected "tokenise" character ";". In "Measure" I selected the variable that give me the weight.
    I want to show in the bar the percentage, now it shows the weight value.
    Bar Percentage.iok 27K
  •     tjbate March 11, 2011 11:00AM
    Francisco - Your file has only one numeric field called "Weight" which is the chosen value field in your Bar Chart. Because bars aggregate by your split-by value, you must specify the aggregation function to be applied. The default is SUM, which means each bar shows the sum of the "Weight" values. You can change this aggregation function to be MEAN and the bars will show the average of the Weight values in each split by category. That said, If you want to see the percentage distribution of the total "Weight" values by "ConQuien" catagories, just use a Pie View.
  • Ftor March 14, 2011 4:49PM
    Tjbate - thanks for your comment, the problem is that Pie View is used when your categories SUM 100%, but in the Bar Chart you can have multiple options, so the sum of the multiple options could be more than 100%. I need the percentage value in a bar chart.
  • Ftor March 21, 2011 2:47PM
    Steve, have you seen if there is any solution?
  •     tjbate March 23, 2011 11:00AM
    Francisco - I have done some examples in your file attached...but at the moment, the percentage values for the segments inside stacked bars are only displyed if you toggle the '100% Bars' option and show the bars as equal heights with percentage segment breakdowns inside. You can suggest "% display inside stacked bars" option as an Idea, and based on votes, we will add it to a future release.
    Bar_Percentages.iok 18K
  • Ftor March 23, 2011 11:48AM
    Thanks Tjbate, If you are going to see in the future, take into a count take care that the % must be by the numer of records and not by the total options could have the variable.
  •     davedunckley January 11, 2012 6:23AM

    I would also like this ability. Would be a very cool function.

  •     steve January 11, 2012 7:41AM
    Dave, it's not clear from this discussion what you mean precisely. Can you elaborate please?
  •     davedunckley January 17, 2012 5:34AM
    To be able to show a percent of the total, in each bar.


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