I have several multi language data sets (Chinese, Russian and Greek to name 3) that I am merging and need to output to either a text file or ideally import into SQL Server 2008 R2. If I create a text file output what encoding / locale combination should I use to preserve the double byte characters? Also, how can I output the data to SQL Server and still preserve the double byte characters? Attached is a spreadsheet with a small example data set in.
You could export in CSV, and use Encoding: UTF-8, providing SQL Server supports importing UTF-8 encoded CSV data. See the "File output" block in DataManager, or File menu > Export > Export data file.
Or, export directly to a new table in SQL Server. See the "Database output" block in DataManager, or File menu > Export > Create/replace database table. This will overwrite any table with the same name, creating a new one with the appropriate data types for the columns being exported.